
Friday, September 07, 2007


4 jobs I've had:
4. Secretary at S&H Steel
3. Teller at First Credit Union
2. Librarian at BYU-I
1. Telemarketer at Western Watts (Yuck!)

4 movies I can watch over and over again:
4. Pride and Predjudice
3.Return To Me
2. Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
1. Remember the Titans

4 places I've lived:
4. Arizona
3. Idaho
2. Arkansas
1. Sorry that's it!

4 guilty pleasures:
4. eating chocolate or ice cream
3. Teasing Matt about past girlfriends
2. Popping other people's zits (I know, it's gross)
1. Staying up all night to read a good book.

4 places I've been on vacation
4. California
3. Tennessee
2. Mexico
1. Canada

4 favorite foods:
4. Ice Cream
3. Most Mexican Food
2. French Tost
1. Panda Express Cream Cheese Rangoons

4 places I'd rather be right now:
4. Hanging out with my sisters (including in laws)
3. In AZ to see my fam.
2. sleeping
1. Italy

4 books i love:
4. Harry Potter Series
3. Devil's Arithmetic
2. The Chronicles of Narnia
1. Eclipse series

4 things i would love to know how to do:
4. To cook like my mom
3. Cut hair
2. Paint
1. surf
4 things i worry about:
4. Matt
3. Blake
2. My three younger sisters
1. The Future

4 happy moments:
4. My wedding day
3. Blake's Birth
2. Going to the Temple
1. Kissing Matt

4 things i want to do in the future:
4. Graduate from College
3. Visit Italy, Portugal, and Bahamas
2. Go to the temple with all of my children
1. Go on a mission with Matt

*Just a note: these are in no particular order.

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