
Saturday, September 08, 2007

tag you last!

4 jobs I have had in my life
- Spudnut Shop... doughnut maker in Farmington, NM
-assistant manager of food storage outlet in Provo, UT
-Preschool teacher in Gilbert AZ
- chocolate chip, pokies, all kinds of chips, milk chocolate stars, etc. distributor

4 movies I could watch over and over
-Ever After
-Pride and Prejudice
-You've Got Mail
-What About Bob?

4 places I have lived
-Farmington, NM
-Rexburg, ID
-Mesa & Gilbert, AZ

4 guilty pleasures
-Chocolate with toasted Almonds (any kind of nut really)
-reading as long as I want to...even when there is tons to do
-spoiling my grandchildren
- trying to find and buy little things that would be fun to give to my children/grandchildren

4 Places I have vacationed

4 of my favorite foods (this was hard...I love everything!)
-Italian...especially pastas with different kinds of sauces
-Mahi Mahi at Rumbi Hawaiin Grill
- Salad at Rumba Cafe or Costa Vida
-Anything at Euro Cafe
(Any kind of vegetable...I couldn't leave that out ...I love them!)

4 places I would rather be right now....duh!
-Queen Creek
-Cedar City

4 books I love
-Girl of the Limberlost
-The Book of Three series by Lloyd Alexander
-Jane Eyre
-Work & the Glory
-Anne of Green Gables series
-Hearts of the Children series/ and Children of the Promise series that goes with it
-Great and the Terrible series
OPPS! I haven't even begun the list of favorite childrens picture books...or other historical fiction I love or Lord of the Rings, or .....this is not a section that I do well at picking favorites.

4 things I would love to know how to do
-be computer literate and utilize the computer better for what I need it for
-Cook meats...beef, poultry, fish etc. like a chef...actually expand any cooking skills

4 things I worry about
-If we are prepared as family for what may be coming in our lives
-If I can truly live up to the potential God sees in me, especially in relationship to being a wife, mother and grandmother
-If I care for my mother in a manner she truly deserves
- if I have developed a strong enough relationship with the Savior that I can face whatever comes in my life with unfaltering faith

4 of my happiest moments
-marriage to Dad (Dru)
-the birth of each of my children
-the birth of each of my grandchildren
-doing things for those I love

4 things I want to do in the future
-Travel and see other countries and cultures
-Go on a mission or two with Dad
-Have a meaningful and close relationship with every single one of my posterity
-Live a healthy, fun filled, purposeful life with those who mean the most to me. Not necessarily a perfect life but one filled with happy memories, and when sad or difficult times come that it can make us all stronger & closer.

There I did it you.

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