
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Here's my Tag!!!

4 jobs I've had:
1.Receptionist at S&H Steel
2.Data girl and bill collector for a couple of Anesthesiologists
3.Cabin girl and waitressing at The Teton Valley Lodge
4. Lynette's Salon and Spa

4 movies I can watch over and over:
1. Pride and Predjudice
2. Calamity Jane
3.Never been Kissed
4. Friends Dvds and Scrubs Dvds

4 places I have lived
1. Mesa Az.
2. Gilbert Az
3. Rexburg Id
4.Driggs Id.

4 guilty pleasure
1. Chocolate
2. Tyra Banks "America's Next Top Model"
3. Any Celebrety Gossip Magazine
4.Chineese food

4 places I've been on Vacation
1. Mexico
( I know, i don't get out much)
4 favorite foods
1. Chineese food
2. Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake
3. Fettichinni Alfredo

4 places I'd rather be right now
1.Arizona with all my family
2. Hawaii
3. with my husband Jonathan
4. Anywhere it doesn't snow nine months of the year

4 books I love
1.Memoirs of a Geisha
2. Pride and predjudice
3. Work and the Glory volumes
4. Roots

4 things I would love to know how to do
1. Snow board
2. Cook like my mom
3. Scrap book like Jen
4. be a perfect Hairdresser

4 things I worry about
1. jonathan
2. being a good mother
3. finances
4. falling off a cliff or mountain (silly, I know)

4 happy moments
1. the day I met Jonathan
2. The day I married Jonathan
3. The days every one of my neices and nephews were born
4. when I think about being a mom

4 things I want to do in the future
1. Sky dive
2.Travel the world
3. serve a mission with Jonathan
4. win a million dollars

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