
Thursday, September 06, 2007

How Annoying Am I?!?

I would like to start by saying that I normally don't do these things because they are kind of like chain letters to me. BUT I love reading them on other people's blogs.

4 jobs I've had:
1. 5th Grade Teacher
2. Taxi for my brothers so I didn't have to have a summer job in high school.
3. Teaching Preschool
4. Nannie (Oh, how I love taking care of my own kids more than someone else's snotty little kid)

4 movies I can watch over and over again:
I don't really like to watch movies over and over again... but there are a few DVDs I love
1. Just Like Heaven
2. The Holiday
3. Friends DVDs
4. The Office DVDs

4 places I've lived:
1. San Diego
2. Utah
3. New Zealand
4. Arizona

4 guilty pleasures:
1. US Weekly FOR SURE!!
2. Any crappy reality TV shows (I guess I just need to see that some people still have drama in their lives and I am SO happy I am not one of them.)
3. Spending money we don't have
4. Going in and holding Carter once he is asleep. He's so much more cuddly!

4 places I've been on vacation
1. South Pacific (Australia, Samoa, Fiji, Tahiti)
2. Kauai for our honeymoon
3. Alaska
4. Europe (England, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland)

4 favorite foods:
1. ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. anything chocolate
3. Anything sugary
4. On the Border chips and salsa

4 places I'd rather be right now:
1. getting plastic surgery to put everything back where it was a few years ago
2. getting a pedicure
3. shopping for my kids
4. on a date with Bryan

4 books i love:
1. These Is My Words
2. The Giver
3. Twilight and the accompanying books
4. Us Weekly (it's reading, isn't it??)

4 things i would love to know how to do:
1. lose weight without dieting
2. get Bryan to pay attention to me during football and basketball games
3. take pictures
4. wake up feeling truly rested.

4 things i worry about:
1. my kids and their health and safety
2. Bryan and his hands (we need those suckers to pay off the debt)
3. not losing the rest of the baby weight
4. I worry about everything out of my control... I know, dumb, huh?

4 happy moments:
1. My wedding day
2. whenever I get an unexpected nap
3. Carter's birth and every little milestone he hits
3. Addilyn and her darling little smile!

4 things i want to do in the future:
1. Travel the world and take pictures along the way.
2. serve a 10 year service mission all over the South Pacific where Bryan does Dental work and I teach English.
3. Get my body fixed (don't judge, it's not nice!)
4. Have a cottage in Maine so I can decorate it like the Pottery Barn magazine.

4 people i am tagging:
1. Natalie, Nicole, Jessica, Nellie, Noelle, Naomi
2. Mom
3. Ben... because I know he's a good sport.
4. Bryan... haha, can you imagine?

Ok, now that everyone knows way too much about me... enjoy your day! :)


Natalie said...

I learned a lot about you! I think this is a good idea. I have to give the computer back to Matt, but next time I will try and put my post up.

Jessica said...

Wow Jen, it sounds being a nanny was the job for you!
Fun fun, thanks for sharing, I'm excited to read the others.