Hey Everyone,
I just thought I would give an update on what is going on in the world of Mattalie. ( I also want to qualify for the battle of the sexes). Anyways, life is pretty good. I am working at good 'ol S&H Steel. I enjoy being able to see dad everyday he is a great boss. (Wink,Wink nudge, nudge, how about a raise dad,after that brown nosing). JK He really is a good boss. I am also packing up our apartment. We are moving to a little apartment about two blocks away from the temple. I will be seeing it for the first time this Saturday. I hope I'm not in for to big of surprise! JK I am sure it's great, and we are both excited to be closer to family. I will also be in Lindsay (Haws)Frost's ward (FYI: I grew up w/ Lindsay and we are great friends). We will move in July 1st. (any help is welcomed). Matt is working very hard this summer working for an orthodontist lab and taking some summer school classes such as o chem and o chem lab as well as taking the Kaplan course to help him prepare for the DAT. He was able to get in a short trip to Havasupi (that is what the picture is) with his dad and brothers before he had to be to school. Matt and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary by going out to dinner and the movies, then we went to the temple to do sealings. We also tried to go hiking on the trail where Matt proposed to me, but unfortunately Matt forgot his wallet and we couldn't pay the fee to get in. So we went swimming instead. (I am actually, glad it happened that way because it was a really hot morning.) Well, that pretty much covers it. I know it isn't all that exciting but, I love my life and everything seems to be falling into place. Okay now it's everyone else's turn to post a blog. If you don't then you can't participate in the contest( That includes you, Matt). I love you all.
You're so blog savvy, it's great! I loved the update, love that you are loving life, love the photo! I hope you like your apartment, that will be so nice to be within walking distance of the Temple. We have loved living so close to the Salt Lake Temple (it's about a 20min drive). We'll Evelyn's getting into my wallet, she's already lost my license once (or else I did and it's just easy to blame on her!!) and I'm babysitting a 5-year old and he just disappeared in the back somewhere.. Better go! Thanks for the update!
Jess, it's so obvious you've never spent a full summer here... whether you are 2 blocks or 2 doors from the temple, it's way too hot to walk there this time of year. You should have Evie get into other people's wallets... if you know what I mean! ;)
And that's why I just have a hard time thinking about moving there! You people are brave desert dwellers. I stay inside here if it's above 92 degrees.
I'll work on that whole wallet thing with Evelyn :)
Don't believe Jess, she stays inside if it's over 80...blame it on the pregnancy.
Really it's 75 degrees unless I'm swimming.
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