
Thursday, June 22, 2006

bryan's post

boy...milky way


Jen and Bryan said...

This is Jen now and I would like to apologize for the stupidity of my darling husband. He seriously thinks he's funny, guys... Eternity... it's a long time with someone with his sense of humor! :) But we're all in this together because we're all sealed to him. Isn't he just the best? Not great at blogging but just so so cute! My blog will have more adorable pics of Carter. Love, Jen

Jen and Bryan said...

bryan here...i didn't realize that certain members of this blog have resorted to personal attacks (jen). just a suggestion, but maybe our blog moderator (ben), should do a better job about blocking said attackers from hurting other people's feelings. just a thought. and if anyone is in for a long eternity, it's me. okay, i guess not just me. eternity is pretty long for everyone. strike my last comment. so...big gulps, eh? whelp, see ya later!

Jen and Bryan said...

jen again... suck it up bryan! such a BABY! That's right, I have two babies in my home. Sorry you all have to participate in our domestic violence. See how hard my life is? I have to LIVE with him!!!
***for those of you who are slow with humor, this is all in jest. Bryan and I are happily married and love each other very much.***

Jen and Bryan said...

bryann agin...seee whet i haf to pet up withg...sorry for the spelling errors. i had tears in my eyes and couldn't see the screen very well. i'm better now. i get my crying gene from :) okay, seriously, i am so funny. lets vote on a scale of 1 to 10. i'd say i'm an 11 on the funny scale. whoever votes the highest gets a candy bar compliments of ben and jessica. (sorry ben, but you are the moderator. you sort of signed up for this). seriously, sorry to bring our little quarrel into the family blog, but you know how it is with the old ball and chain. you just get fed up sometimes and need to vent. thanks for listening guys. sorry we wasted your time. gosh! time for bed. good night. don't forget to vote.

Ben said...

I can't believe that you two haven't posted a guess for Carter yet. I mean, this is an easy way to up your odds of winning!

Natalie said...

Hey guys, I am at work trying not to burst out into laughter. That was so funny. I better get back to work.

Jessica said...

Hey Bryan, Jen... I was worried about you two. I found this amazing fix-it-all. It's a song, it's supposed to solve all of life's problems. Here's the blurb:
"'If You Try' is a song about hope. It is an inspiring message about the possibility of peace. Peace today, right now. World Peace. If You Try is about peace between quarreling spouses..." If you want to listen, go to
I think that you should make an anniversary CD and include this on it. We know you'll make it through.