We really missed all of you who were too far away to enjoy Carter's birthday party. He, of course, is spoiled rotten and now has enough toys to last him a lifetime. He really wasn't interested in the toys but LOVED the baseball on his baseball mitt cake we made him. Here are a few pictures from the day. Also, one of these days we will put come video on but I am STILL trying to figure it out. Bryan thinks we need another cord. I think we are both just a little slow! :) Love you all!! Happy 4th. That will be our 4 year anniversary of meeting. Man, time flies! Love, Jen
p.s. Believe it or not, Carter is only in the 25% for weight!! I know! Crazy, huh?
This is Carter and since Mommy posted a message I can guess on what kind of cousin I am going to have. I think we are going to get twins... one boy and one girl. That means if Aunt Jessica has either of those I win. Oh, my favorite candy bar is whatever Mommy and Daddy want since tehy won't let me have candy... something about it being bad for my teeth! :) Love, Little Carter
Carter, this is Evelyn. I have to be fast, mom says I'm not old enough to blog. I don't think my mom told your mom that they already had an ultrasound and there is only one baby in there. I think it's an alien. My mom likes you enough that you'll probably get candy anyway, you just have to tell your mom to give it to you. Besides, your dad is a dentist, he'll fix any problems a little bit of sugar might give you!
Hey Jen, you look skinny skinny in the pictures!
Thanks for the photos! Wish we could've been there!
hi evelyn. this is uncle bryan. just a little fyi. i wouldn't let mommy and daddy give carter any candy, if i were you. otherwise, you might be learning some new words that will get your mouth washed out with soap. and take it from someone who has had a lot of experience with soap in his mouth: you don't want to go there. just kidding, i would never teach you bad words. aunt jen, on the other hand...well, lets just say that she tends to hold grudges, so keep the candy away from the boy. :) love you.
evelyn, this is aunt jen. feel free to send me carter's candy. we'll eat it in front of him and describe to him how good it tastes. it will be just like he ate it himself :)
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