I just want everyone to see some cute pictures of Carter. I am going to try to stumble my way through this but I don't know if I will actually be able to get he picutres on. If I don't I will have Bryan, or Brynifer as he is now calling himself, to help me. Hey, it worked! The first one is Carter eating his blueberries for breakfast this morning and the second one is how he is constantly sleeping now. His little bum way up in the air! So cute! Love you all!
So cute Jen! Way to be the first blogger! I don't even know how to put pictures on, I'll have to figure that out!
Evelyn says she wants Carter to come over and play, we'll see if we can't get down there!
Have a nice day!
Love ya,
Isn't he the cutest little guy...love him to pieces.
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