
Thursday, March 01, 2007

To appease the masses...

Here is my list of 6 things most of you don't know about me.

1. I measure time based on TV shows…For example, it isn’t Thursday, it’s “The Office” day; or it’s not Monday, it’s “24” day; or it isn’t 9 pm, it’s half an hour before “Scrubs” re-runs start. I know, I know…I need a hobby.

2. I love working in the yard. There is something really satisfying to me about making living growing plants beautiful and manicured. In fact, my favorite smell in the whole world is the smell of recently mowed grass, especially Perennial Rye.

3. I hate email forwards that involve luck, love, or requests to forward it on to 10 of my friends.

4. I prefer sleeping with pillows below, and on top of my head. I always sleep best when a pillow is covering everything on my face except a little breathing slit.

5. I can’t stand Oprah. (Sorry Jess, and probably the rest of you). She does a lot of good, and I guess I don’t have anything against her personally, but I can’t stand how so many people consider her an EXPERT on everything that leaves her mouth…if she says it’s a good book, it MUST be good book; if she says it’s a good product, then it MUST be a good product (for example, Jen heard Oprah talk about a special bra or something once, and she just had to go get it…she says it’s awesome, but I think she just says that because Oprah says it’s awesome); if she doesn’t like the viewpoints of someone else, then that someone else MUST be wrong. I don’t think anyone should let her (or anyone else) have that sort of infuence over their own ideas, but I’m sure that SHE would disagree with me, so I MUST be wrong, right?

6. If it is the middle of the night and I’m really tired, I sit down to pee…and I’m not ashamed to admit it, (okay, I am, but you’re all family, so I’ll know one of you spilled the beans if anyone else ever finds out.


Jessica said...

I'll forgive you about your feelings towards Oprah. I don't pay much attention to what she says about products, etc. What I do like about her is all the good she does with her money and influence.She has done so much good with her money. She also has inspired many rich people to contribute their money to good causes, probably because she said it was a good thing to do :)
Don't worry about sitting down when you have to go to the bathroom at night. I must confess that I do to, but at least I make it to the toilet :)

Natalie said...

I do that pillow thing too. My roomate at BYU-I thought I just didn't like talking to her at night so to avoid talking to her I put a pillow on my head. P.S. It has been awhile since I have had the chance to watch the "Office" and I finaly got a chance last night and was very dissapointed to see that it was a rerun!!

Jonicolathan said...

Jon sits down when he pees if he's really tired too. In fact, I think that's pretty normal. But hey! What do I know!! By the way, I think Scrubs is one of my all time favorite shows!!

Jen and Bryan said...

This is Jen. (we now can only sign on as Brynifer because of this stupid gmail thing). Scrubs is BY FAR the best show in TV. And the best thing about it is that it is on all the time. it's so awesome! I'm totally addicted.