
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Well, I thought Matt and I should finally tell everyone about where we have chosen to go to law school (You may have already heard by now). ARKANSAS!!! Yup, Matt and I will now try and fit in to the southern way of life. I am pretty sure the picture is of our future neighbor!!! J/K We will most likely be moving out in the Middle of July sometime that way we can get settled and ready before the baby comes!!
Also if you haven't heard Matt got into a car accident this past week!! Someone rear-ended him pretty hard. I've barely have had my car for two years and it has already been in two accidents. No one was seriously injured, but Matt does have to go to the Physical Therapist for awhile because he hurt his back and neck. There is speculation on whether the car will be totalled or not, but in the mean time I am pretty happy with the rental car we got.
On a happier note, we find out if we are having a boy or a girl in five days!!!! I am so excited, I just hope the baby cooperates and doesn't cross its legs or anything! Write back and let me know if you think it will be boy or girl!! I love you all!


Jessica said...

YEEEE-HAW cowgirl! That's exciting! Hope we can come visit one day! What school is it?
My guess for the baby is girl. Can't wait to find out!
Love ya! Thanks for blogging!

The Probert Family said...

I kind of feel like I have no business guessing...but my guess is a BABY BOY! Congrats on Arkansas! What a fun adventure that will be for your family. Sorry to hear about Matt. Get well soon!

Ben said...

I always knew that you were a hick at heart Natalie (remember the Dixie Chicks?) so I guess you'll fit right in.

Arkansas has it share of hicks and ticks, but on the plus side, it is the world headquarters for Wal-Mart so you'll always be able to get cheap toilet paper.

Seriously though, that is so exciting! What part of Arkansas will y'all be living in?

As for my guess, I think it is going to be a little baby human. The girl kind. Keep us posted.

Jen and Bryan said...

We think it's going to be a boy. Poor Carter. We need it to be a boy or he is going to boycott all family events. That being said, Addilyn and Hannah I am sure would love to have another girl cousin their age. We're so excited to find out. Love, Bryan, Jen, Carter, and Addi

Jonicolathan said...

Well, My guess is also a boy! I have had two dreams about him already and boy is he cute!!