
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Soy Yo

1. I have some trouble with the English language. For example:
I think quirk should be quark. I get it wrong every time, Ben corrects me.
I had to look up ornery in the dictionary, I didn’t believe that it was “Hon-ry”
I often say epi-tome instead of e-pit-o-mee
I only found out last summer that Colonel somehow spells “Kernel”
It just doesn’t make sense, this silly language. I’m glad I was raised speaking it, it would be hard to learn!

2. I love to be in the forest. I love to take walks, go jogging, or ride a bike in the woods. I prefer natural "you-have-to-make-your-own" trails as opposed to cement trails. I’ve had many moments of discovery about myself, life, and who I am while in the forest. I miss all the woods in Washington.

3. I want to be a philanthropist.

4. I love grandparents.

5. Oprah is one of my heroes.

6. I say all of my personal prayers in Spanish.

7. I love art, colors, pictures, music, architecture, especially that of southern Spain. Some of my favorite books are “A Day in the Life of…” You will usually find me in the art or travel section of a bookstore.

8.I am afraid of deep water, SIDS, car accidents, freak accidents, terrorists, natural disasters, sprouts on potatoes, bugs inside my house, moldy vegetables, and being attacked by a bear or a psycho while I’m enjoying the forest. Basically, it’s a miracle I make it out of the house and I should really stop watching the news.

9. I love it when families share happy memories of one another and I also love being present when those happy memories are made.

10. I thrive on simple moments. Some of my favorite include Ben dancing with the girls, Evelyn and Hannah exchanging a happy moment, listening to grandparents speak and tell stories of their lives, being a happy family outside in nature, going into Evelyn’s bedroom when she first wakes up and hearing all that she has to say, catching one of those glimpses from Ben that gives me the “I’m in love” flurries just like when we were dating, having family meals, the list could go on and on and on!

11. One more, I LOVE other cultures. If I ever travel to different countries, I want my travel to be focused on the people of those countries and the landscapes. Landmarks are great, but you can see them just as easily in a book (but I won’t deny that it is fantastically wonderful to see them in person). I want to taste the homemade food of the people, hear how they talk, talk to them in their own language, be in their homes, see how they act with their families, see how their circumstances molded them to be who they are. Doing that as a missionary made me realize that’s the only way I want to travel.


Natalie said...

Jessica, I loved reading your "Soy Yo" I like how you really appreciate the little things in life. P.S I like the font you chose.

Jessica said...

So this is really Ben, not Jess.

First of all, Natalie, what are you talking about? Isn't Jessica's font the same as everyone elses? Girl, you must be pregnant!

Secondly,has anyone heard from Bryan and Jen lately? Brynifer is usually one of the first to comment but we've seen neither hide nor hair for the past little while. Everything ok?

Natalie said...

Are you being serious about the font because on my computer it shows it as webdings (or what ever its called) and I had to copy and past onto word so i could change the font and read it.

Ben said...

Yes, I'm being serious about the font. It's written in Arial, just like everyone else's. However, to your credit, I looked at the blog using a Mac and, sure enough, it showed Jess's post in wingdings. I'm not sure why this is happening, I'll see what I can do. So, no it's not written in wingdings, but yes, it is occasionally showing up that way. Crazy, eh?

Jonicolathan said...

Okay this is a silly question and I feel really stupid for asking but... what is a philanthropist?

Jessica said...

phi·lan·thro·py Pronunciation [fi-lan-thruh-pee] Key - Show IPA

1. altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons, by endowment of institutions of learning and hospitals, and by generosity to other socially useful purposes.