
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

We wanted to post a few pictures of what's been going on around here... even though everyone (aside from Bradley) will be here in the next few weeks. As you can see, Natalie has been packing on the pounds in her 20 weeks of pregnancy. (Yeah, right! I don't think she's gained anything at all.) I am now counting down since I have less than 10 weeks until I am due. We stood in front of Bradley's count down to show how long HE has left!
Noelle was pondering the words of our Prophets during the Sunday afternoon session of Conference. My favorite part is her fab hair! So hot!
Nana is so long suffering. Carter follows her around, pets her, calls her name repeatedly, grabs her tail, hugs her, kisses her (shown above), etc. She just continually walks away from him to no avail. Poor Nana!
Well, we can't wait to see everyone over the next month. Love you all!!


Natalie said...

Noelle, you looked awesome in that picture!!:) ( I don't think you were the only one who fell asleep!! Ex. Dad, Bryan, etc.) I had no idea Carter liked Nana so much! At least someone is giving her attention.

Jessica said...

Cute! Cute! Thanks for posting! You two ladies with child look FABULOUS! Yeah for cute pregnant ladies.
Carter looks so big and we can't wait to see him the day after tomorrow!!!!

David and Deena said...

Natalie, we were just there and you didn't even show. What happened. We heard the good news about "glow baby". We are so happy! You girls take care of yourselves in that heat coming up.

Jonicolathan said...

I'm not going to lie, It's kind of weird to see Natalie with agrowing belly! Don't get me wrong, she looks fabulous! I just feel like we're not the same age anymore. I feel like she a couple of years older than me now!! Crazy!! Both you girls look so cute!!

Mat, Chenae & Jackson said...

Brynifer, I just left a comment on your March 14th blog...not realizing that it was so old. oops.