
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Count Down

I am 37 weeks and officially full term! I thought I better put take a picture of me pregnant (not the most flattering picture) before it was to late. I have discovered my feet and toes turning into big round sausages and that my ankles have gone missing. I can't help but hope that I will go into labor on my own before August 10th. However, if that doesn't happen then I am scheduled to go to the hospital at 7:30 am. Dr. Holmes told me not to expect the baby to come until the 11th. I think he doesn't wan't me to get my hopes up that I will have a short labor. I can't wait until I get to so my baby finally!! Oh, and don't be surprised if we decide not to name him Caleb! I love you all!

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Sarah said...
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