
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Welcome to the World, Hannah May!

Isn't she cute!
Bright eyed and bushy tailed
She loves to hold her hands
and stick out her tounge!
My three amazingly beautiful girls! (Doesn't mom look great?)
Grammy and the chillin's


Jen and Bryan said...

We are SO thrilled for you!!!! Yeah for another December birthday!! I can't believe how different she looks than Evelyn did at birth. Maybe in a few days they'll look more alike. Congrats, guys. Give little Hannah a big kiss from her favorite cousin, k? Love, the other Wyeths

Jonicolathan said...

To me, I tthink Hannah looks alot like Evelyn did when she was born! Hannah is just bigger!! I am so excited for you guys and I can't wait to see the little baby in person!!! Love you guys!! -Nicole-