
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Side by Side

Here's a little side by side comparison of the two little angels. Can you tell which is which? I think that they look a lot alike (minus about three pounds on Evelyn and the squished nose on Hannah...). Either way, their both pretty cute!


Daisy said...

Dear Ben, Jessica, Evelyn, and Hannah,

What joy to see your precious little package and to see Evelyn interact with her. Those are precious moments to cherish always. It brought tears to my eyes. We sure love you guys and can't wait until our families can spend some time together again soon.

Armando, Daisy, and "Baby Cela"

Natalie said...

Hannah girl, you look like you got a good kisser! Ben and Jess you guys have some really cute girls. It is so fun to be to feel like we can be there even though we are miles away. Congratulations! Eveyln, You make a great big sister.

Jen and Bryan said...

I think she got Uncle Bryan's FABULOUS lips! It's funny how Evelyn still kinda looks like her baby pictures. They are both darling.