
Sunday, December 03, 2006

39 Weeks!!

Wow! Only one week until the due date. I am actually feeling great, I think it's because I know the end (and the beginning)is near. Everyone is wondering which of the favorite aunt's birthdays baby's birthday might fall on. We've got Nat and Nic on the 11th, Jen on the 14th, and my sister, Becky on the 15th. Of course there is Noelle on the 27th, but if the baby doesn't come by the 20th, we will probably be inducing the labor! Sorry Leon.
We are doing great, Ben is just trying to get through his papers, they're beastly! He's doing that while going to school and work full-time and being a full-time dad and husband. He's crazy. We sure love him!
Evelyn's newest phrase is "I'm not quite sure." She got it from Ben we think.
She loves to ask what we want for lunch, then she writes it down on a piece of paper.
Last week at church she turned around and stared at the lady behind us for awhile. Then in a not-so-quiet voice she said "Mommy, I see a scary lady!" Yikes! I just pretended I didn't hear her. She's a tall cute little goose. She sometimes ramdomly calls for "uncle Owell" -uncle Noelle. It's funny.
Love you all! Ta-ta for now!

1 comment:

Jonicolathan said...

Jess, you still look great!!! I do hope your baby decides to come sooner than later though, mostly for your sake. I can't imagine that you could be too comfortable right now. Anyway, good luck with everything!! -Nicole-