
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandad!


1. You can fly a plane
2. You make up your own songs plus you listen to bands like Jimmy Eat World
3. Cousin Carter told me that when I'm big enough you will give me treats even when mommy says not to.
4. My mommy says you make the best cookies, waffles, salsa, and Chile Reanos! (I can't wait to try them)
5. You make really cool inventions like a sink for when you go camping and a giant catapult
6. You're a great example to your kids and grand kids
7. You're a hard worker
8. You love your family
9. You honor your priesthood
10.The Gospel is very important in your life and you have taught your children to love it and now my mommy is teaching me.

We love you! Happy Birthday!


Jen and Bryan said...

Blake, be sure to tell Mommy that it doesn't matter in the LEAST what she says. You will get junk food galore from Grandad when she's not looking. Then, when Mommy gets mad at him, he'll look at her innocently with a sly grin and say, "What'd I do?"
Love, Carter

Nicole said...

Blake is cute! He is getting so big and blonde! I can't wait to see you guys!