1. I miss mom's cooking like crazy! After a number of times of burning my meals and making the appt smell like smoke I have come to realize I am not the best cook. I also thought I would NEVER say this but I am getting sick of the traditional turkey and cheese sandwich...which has replaced the meals I destroy.
2. (this one is for you dad) Remember all those times dad would make us go to bed when he went to bed. annoying right..well I think I understand why because it is IMPOSSIBLE to go to sleep when your roommates (in his case,us...the kids) have all their friends over for a game/movie night. I have really come to appreciate dad making all our friends go home during those times because when someone needs to get up early the next day for..I don't know a MIDTERM it makes a big difference. Ha ha love ya pops
3. We all know that I am not the smartest cookie around...meaning I don't get people's jokes half the time, or what is happening at the moment, or I say something totally ridiculous, you all know what I mean. Well I definitely miss you guys for that reason. You just understand that I am that way and just end up teasing me about it. A few of those times have popped up and people reacted different to my stupidity than you guys do. No good ha ha :)
4. When your roommate comes and ask for assistant for unclogging the toilet and then you look like the idiot for not knowing how to use the plunger......ya enough said..we both felt really dumb. Tanks to everyone who solved those problems in our house
Well I love school I cant believe I only have 8 more days left. I like my classes and teachers. They are the best! I feel like a lot has changed in this short period of time, I am not going to lie it has been hard living such a different lifestyle but none the less its been good and I have learned a lot about myself. I miss you guys A TON. It makes me really excited to see all of you guys in the next couple of weeks, ekkkkkkkkkkkk I cant wait!!!!! I love you all and hope all is going well, thanks for all of your phone calls, packages, emails, and stuff it means a lot. I love you!
P.S. Here are a few pictures of things I have been up to..nothing to exciting. Enjoy!
this is me and a few of my friends at the Oqurrih temple
the most beautiful place i have ever been, the Teton Mt. in Wyoming

haha what a bunch of losers
We're cheering for you Noelle! Way to learn from your adversity and make the most of challenges. Growing is always so hard. I think of how our kids cry with growing pains, I think growing emotionally and spiritually can be just as painful, but of course very rewarding. WE LOVE YOU! ~Jess and Ben
Awesome. Hey but you are a smart cookie. And um is Mr. Jones (aka the BF) in any of those pics. (Yes I do know is last name is stone I just think his name sounds better as a Jones).
You are too cute Noelle! We miss teasing you about your mishaps too!!
We gotta get you over here so we can get our pictures on your blog! We love you!
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