
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Home and Manti

Sorry all, it's a little late and I didn't get the pics in the order I wanted. I've got to go to bed, but I wanted to make sure these were posted. Thanks everyone for a fun fun fun time in Manti!

Evelyn clutched tight to Nellie during the fireworks. We watched them from the beautiful Temple grounds.
This was the greased pig event. You can't see the pig, or piglet, but I do think Evelyn looks cute trying to catch up~ she is in the red right of center.
When all was said and done, we had some tired girls!
Trying to catch a nap before the big day in the mountain.
Hannah was really enjoying a story from Evelyn who was making up a pretty great story. This was at our house.
One of Evelyn's many princess dresses, Ben got this one at D.I. (a thrift store) for her. At our house as well.
The 4th of July parade in Manti, UT. Evelyn asks for a "parade story" every night now!
Hannah was a little forward with Jackson, but he warmed up to her.
Hannah had a happy 4th of July, we all did!


Natalie said...

The reunion looked like it was so much fun! Whish I could have been there. Your girls are adorable!

Mat, Chenae & Jackson said...

We had so much fun hanging out with you guys! We miss ya'll already! Jackson says HI to Hannah.